Core Maths

Core Maths

Level 3 Mathematical Studies

Entry Criteria

  • Average Point Score: 4.5
  • Mathematics GCSE Grade 4

Teaching Staff

  • Ms Charnock
  • Mrs Begum

What is Core Maths?

AQA Level 3 Certificate in Mathematical Studies (Core Maths) is a new qualification designed for students who have achieved a Grade 4 or above at GCSE.

Studying Core Maths helps to develop your mathematical skills and thinking and supports your A Level subjects. It is particularly valuable for students who are studying A Levels in Economics, Psychology, Sciences and Geography.

In Core Maths, you will develop your confidence in applying maths to solve real world questions and therefore enhance your problem solving skills. For example, when you study personal finance, you will look at questions such as “Have the correct deductions for income tax and National Insurance been taken from your pay?” You will find the repayment period for different loans and the interest charged, which might help you to make informed financial decisions in the future. We are constantly being given reasons to do and believe things by the media. Politicians’ statements, scientific data, adverts for products all try to influence us. You will develop skills allowing you to question the validity of these.

University response to Core Maths

Universities across the UK value Core Maths, which gives additional UCAS points as well as the Level 3 Certificate qualification.

“The University of Manchester welcomes and recognises the value of Level 3 core mathematics qualifications. If you choose to undertake a core mathematics qualification this may be taken into account when we consider your application, particularly for certain non-science courses with a distinct mathematical or statistical element.”

“For admissions to the University of Bath there will be greater recognition of Level 3 maths qualifications through the use of alternative offers. The University of Bath recognises that quantitative and analytical skills are invaluable to a range of degree courses, and that extra experience beyond the essential requirements of the course can be beneficial to students’ future studies. All degrees that do not require A level Mathematics, such as Architecture, Business Courses, Biosciences, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Education, Health and Sport degrees, Languages, Politics, Psychology, and Social Sciences, will include alternative offers based on achieving a grade B in a Core Maths qualification when it is studied in addition to three other subjects.”

LSE recognises that the skills and experience gained by students who choose to undertake the Core Maths Qualification may be very useful as preparation for the study of social sciences at undergraduate level… successful completion of the Core Maths qualification can help you demonstrate your readiness to study the rigorously academic undergraduate programmes at LSE.”

University of Southampton: “Applicants not taking mathematics to A or AS level are advised to include their Core Mathematics qualification on their UCAS application form, especially if they are applying for degrees in subjects such as social sciences, business and geography.”

University of Newcastle: “We welcome the introduction of Core Maths qualifications and believe that they will be of benefit to students who take degree programmes which involve quantitative skills but do not require A or AS level Mathematics. Some of our degree programmes require GCSE Mathematics from applicants who are not taking Mathematics at A level or equivalent, usually at grade A or B. We will accept a Core Mathematics qualification (minimum grade C) in lieu of the required GCSE Mathematics grade where an applicant has achieved grade C or 4 in the GCSE.”