Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I park for the Open Evening?

You can park in any of the public car parks in Shaw, and take a short walk up Rochdale Road. It will be down-hill when you leave Crompton House.

There are the 408 buses at 17.48, 18.52, 19.23 from the Metrolink stop. The return journeys are at 18.37, 19.33 and 20.03 from the Post Office.

Parking on the roads around the school is not recommended as these are residential areas, and the roads are not very wide.

Do I need to take an Open Evening tour if my child is already at Crompton House?

No, if you come with your child he or she will be able to guide you to the subject areas. You will need to check on the map as some of the subjects are not in their usual rooms.

Can I attend the Open Evening, even if I haven’t made an appointment?

Yes, there are no appointments this year.  If the hall is full you can still go round the classrooms and Sixth Form Centre to see what each subject has on offer.

What is Study Time?

Your timetable will have FREE periods for the first time! With dedicated study areas (with ICT and printing facilities), independent study must be at the top of your agenda. Success in Year 12 and in A levels overall is rooted in effective time management. If we feel you need help in this area, we will seek to offer appropriate guidance. If you feel you need help, please let us know. We do expect you to use your study time effectively and for independent work. It is vital that you use the swipe card system to sign in and out at all times and if you need to leave site early you must sign out at the sixth form office. Please bring in evidence for any absences.

Will you give out personal information about me?

We will not give information about you to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules allow us to. For further information, please see the Privacy Notice on the school’s website.

What should I do if I am sick and cannot attend?

Parents/students must notify school by 8:30am on the first day of absence by telephone, giving a reason for their absence and followed up with evidence, notes, email or prescription. Sixth Form Administrator phone no: 01706 847451   Ext 279 for Year 12 and Ext 269 for Year 13.


Upon return, the student must provide a parental note. Late means arrival after 8.40 on Tuesdays for Sixth Form Assemblies, and after the start of their first lesson of the day on all other days. These punctuality regulations apply to all students. The Sixth Form Administrators will chase up those students who have not contacted school by 10:00am. The Sixth Form Administrators will also check the reason for absence and contact parents where concerns arise.

Please note attendance/punctuality information will be used on references for employment and/or Higher Education. If a Sixth Former becomes ill and feels it necessary to go home they must first go to matron and then the Sixth Form Administrators before signing out.

What time does school start and finish?

The school day very much depends on your individual timetable. On Mondays lesson times are between 8.50 am and 2.40 pm. On other days lessons are between 9.05 am and 3.20 pm.  On Tuesdays Sixth Form Students have to be in school by 8.40 for Sixth Form Assemblies.

Do I have to have church attendance to apply?

No, Crompton House Sixth Form is an open-access Sixth Form.  We warmly welcome students from all schools, different religious denominations and belief systems.

How can I travel to and from School?

Crompton House school encourages all students to walk to school or use public transport where possible.


There is a Metrolink station in Shaw which is a short (10-15 minute walk) to school, alternatively the 408 bus leave from the Metrolink stop.  The School has excellent bus service provision.  The following routes have regular buses throughout the day:
88, 408, 435, 794, 795, 935

More information on routes, timetables and how to buy tickets can be found on the Transport for Greater Manchester Website.

What will happen if I am late?

Late means arrival after 8.40 on Tuesdays for Sixth Form Assemblies, and after the start of their first lesson of the day on all other days. These punctuality regulations apply to all students. The Sixth Form Administrators will chase up those students who have not contacted school by 10:00am. Please note attendance/punctuality information will be used on references for employment and/or Higher Education.

Can I take holidays during term time?

Sixth Formers are not allowed to take holidays during term time  – these will not be authorised by the Sixth Form and would thus be treated as unauthorised absence

Do I have to attend all my lessons?

Students are to attend all timetabled lessons. Failure will be viewed very seriously.  All subject teachers will keep an attendance register. Information regarding attendance will be clearly stated on progress reports. If a student attends less than 95% it is deemed to be a cause for concern.

Can I work whilst I am studying?

We recommend a maximum of 10 hours per week for a part-time job, this to avoid a negative impact on your studies.

Do you take a register?

All subject teachers will keep an attendance register. Information regarding attendance will be clearly stated on progress reports. If a student attends less than 95% it is deemed to be a cause for concern.

How will you know if I am in school?

It is vital that you use the swipe card system to sign in and out at all times and if you need to leave site early you must sign out at the sixth form office. Failure to do so will be viewed very seriously. All subject teachers will keep an attendance register.

Do sixth formers have to attend assembly?

Students must attend a Sixth Form Assembly or a form period every Tuesday, a register will be taken. Once every half-term sixth formers also attend a Main School Assembly.

I need to leave early for my driving test/lesson?

Driving – students may have time off for a driving TEST but not for lessons.

How can I join the Student Union/Management team?

Towards the end of Year 12 any sixth form student can apply to be part of the Student Management Team. There are a number of roles, each with their own job description.

Academic Tutors discuss each application with the nominee and draw up a short list of students who will prepare and deliver a speech to all Sixth Form students and staff.

The sixth form students and staff vote for their chosen candidate and the successful students are elected to their position.  All students on the Management Team are recognisable by their pin badge.

How will I know which students are on the Management Team?

The student management team are selected by all Sixth Form students by ballot.   All students on the Management Team are recognisable from their pin badge.

How can I become a Prefect?

Prefects are led and managed by the management team who will link information back to the Head of Sixth Form.  Students wishing to become Prefects apply to the management team for these roles.

Job descriptions for Prefect roles are written by the management team.  The teams meet every 2 weeks. 2 people from the management team will chair and minute these meetings and link back to the Head of Sixth Form.

Each team will have approximately 5 students.

How will you monitor my progress?

In the first weeks of the Autumn Term, students will meet with subject teachers to agree a Personal Target Grade for each subject. This grade is based on the Minimum Target Grade as received from ALPS (the data analysis system we use for post-16 performance – data is generated from GCSE performance).

These Personal Target Grades are then used as a point of reference throughout the year. Regular assessments will be centrally recorded and analysed at the end of each half term. Key assessment points (Autumn Interim Examinations; Spring Term Mock AS Examinations) will be used to compare performance in relation to these targets and any subsequent intervention will focus on strategies to ensure the targets are achieved. Approximate dates for these Exams ie Week 9 and Week 18

If students are not achieving their Personal Target Grades, support will take the form of initial review meetings with the student’s Academic Tutor. This review will identify specific needs and targets for improvement and will also set up structures of support for the student – personal one-to-one guidance, subject specific peer mentoring with a Year 13 student, daily monitoring report – the individual circumstances are always considered in determining what support is appropriate.

Parents/guardians will be kept informed at all points, targets being communicated in the first October Progress Report. Where concerns arise from reviews, we will contact parents at the start of the process. Should parents/guardians at any point wish to discuss your son/daughter’s progress please contact their Academic Tutor at any time.

Note: If you don’t find the answer to your question here then use our contact form, telephone 01706 847451 or email the