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Former Sixth Former and Oldham Youth Council member Tom Penketh had the opportunity to speak in the House of Commons 
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NCS: an opportunity to make new friends, create memories and step outside your comfort zone. When I first signed up 
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We have received the below information about an amazing opportunity for Gold DofE award holders and participants. There’s a short 
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Each year the Sixth Form vote for students to form our Student Management Team. These students not only are spokespeople 
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Year 12 student Tom, who was elected to Oldham’s Youth Council in the Royton, Shaw & Crompton district in the 
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Molly Mooney, one of our Year 13 Student Management Team, has worked with Mr Raynerd (Assistant Head) to coordinate a 
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Congratulations to Liam in 7 Co 1 who was the lucky winner of the Sixth Form Red Nose Day raffle. 
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Although curtailed by the limitations on contact between year group bubbles, the Sixth Form Student Management Team organised a sweets 
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Youth Activist and CHS Year 12 student Antia had the opportunity to work with CBBC last year to produce a 
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Girl Up Manchester are hosting a virtual launch event on Saturday 14th November for anyone who wants to get involved! 
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CHS Sixth Former Josh Walker, who has been a Police Cadet since the age of 13, regularly volunteers with the 
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In the next of our ongoing series where our recent alumni share their experience of post-18 applications, as well as 
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Local cat Resuce Centre Oldham Cats said a fond farewell last weekend to Faye, an ex-Crompton House Sixth Former, who has 
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Crompton House Sixth Form students Hannah and Ella joined a team of Emergency Responder Volunteers over their summer holidays, where 
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Just before Christmas, Year 13 student Isaac brought in his Team GB colours for hanging in the hall, following his 
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Year 13 student Isabelle had the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament on Friday 8th November. As one of 
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Lucy, who is studying Geography, Biology and Psychology at CHS, balances her studies by volunteering at the Mahdlo OnSide Youth 
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