Oldham Cats bids farewell to Faye

Local cat Resuce Centre Oldham Cats said a fond farewell last weekend to Faye, an ex-Crompton House Sixth Former, who has volunteered at the rescue centre for several years.

Like many of our students, Faye started volunteering in the local community as part of her Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, but enjoyed working with the staff and cats at Oldham Cats so much that she stayed on well beyond the minimum requirement for her DofE, only giving up her volunteering this month as she moves on to the University of Liverpool to study Mechanical Engineering.

Sharing a tribute to Faye on the Oldham Cats Facebook group, Davina Hanes said:

“During these years, Faye has become such an incredible asset to our Saturday team and she’ll be sadly missed; her love for animals has shone through at all times.
Throughout, Faye has been a dedicated, motivated and trusted volunteer who has worked upon her own initiative and as part of a team. She’s a wonderful young lady who would undertake any job and she was dedicated to her role.
Faye never missed a shift throughout our horrid Panleukopenia epidemic over 2 years ago and, like many of our young amazing volunteers, and she has supported our furry friends throughout this terrible COVID-19 pandemic.
Not a Christmas Day morning went by whereas she’d help to clean and care for our furries at the Rescue either.
Oldham Cats and our furries have been so blessed to have you as part of our team over the years and we’re always conscious it’s our amazing youth who will one day in the distance be the future of Oldham Cats.
Good Luck you wonderful and very intelligent young lady.”

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