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Sixth Form Introduction

Crompton House has a thriving and successful Sixth Form. Our aim is to provide a secure and supportive environment in which students can benefit from expert teaching and individual guidance.

The Sixth Form is at the heart of the school. In our purpose-built Sixth Form Centre there are social and study spaces, alongside our Sixth Form cafe. The pastoral team are also based in the Centre, ready to help students at any time during the day.

Beyond the Sixth Form Centre, lessons for our Year 12s and 13s take place across the school, delivered by highly qualified subject experts. We also encourage students to participate in many other aspects of school life. This may be through engaging in one of the many extracurricular activities which are on offer, or taking a leadership role supporting younger students. We give our students the opportunity to develop personally as well as academically, as they prepare for life beyond Sixth Form.

Our Sixth Form students are a credit to this school. We are always pleased to see how quickly students joining the Sixth Form from other schools settle, make friends and become a part of the school community.


Crompton House Sixth Form is an academic Sixth Form, offering predominantly A Levels, to ambitious students who want to work hard and succeed academically, whilst developing themselves as an individual too.


Students study three academic A Level or other Level 3 qualifications, in some cases four subjects. Approximately 25% of the cohort also undertake the AQA Extended Project – developing vital life skills and preparing them for university, apprenticeships and the world of work.

In addition to the core offering, there are a multitude of other courses, qualifications and extracurricular offerings, which contribute to the wider development of our students.

This includes:

  • A full PSHE programme, again developing vital life skills, but also addressing the Future Ready Curriculum, including the Gatsby Benchmarks, current affairs and employability skills.
  • An Aspire programme to support students in their ambitions to attend prestigious universities and competitive courses.
  • The option to complete the AQA Certificate Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths) as an additional qualification during Year 12.
  • Year 12 Work Experience week which allows students to gain contacts in the industries of their choice and develop their CV further.
  • An Apprenticeship support programme for students applying to post-18 apprenticeships.
  • Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, with between 25 and 40% of each year group completing the expedition at the end of Year 12.
  • Curriculum and extracurricular trips, including to New York, Morocco, Sweden, Cern, a ski trip and many more
  • Extracurricular opportunities in sport, music, drama and raising awareness and money for chosen charities.


Crompton House Sixth Form students in 2023 achieved an outstanding set of A Level results, with over 70% of students’ grades being A*-C.

The vast majority of students achieving the grades required to enter their first or second choice of university, with more than 20% of those going on to university moving on to the top Russell Group universities. Our top achiever received 3 A* grades and an A grade, leaving CHS to read Psychology at York.

Crompton House’s Head Boy and Girl achieved 3 As and 5 Bs between them, with our 2022-23 Head Girl moving on to study Educational Psychology at University of Leeds, and Head Boy staying closer to home, starting his Degree Apprenticeship with Amazon UK. Amazon have since been in touch to ask if they can visit Crompton House to recruit future Degree Apprentices, so impressed have they been with his performance.

Other destinations included Medicine at Edgehill, Computer Science at York, University of Liverpool for Biological and Medical Sciences, as well as Economics at the University of Cardiff. Local universities including Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield and Lancaster were also popular destinations for our 2022-23 cohort.

Continuing CHS’s track record of outstanding musicians progressing to the top Conservatoires in the country, CHS students have moved on to the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and BIMM Music Institute.

Alongside university admissions, Crompton House has many students who are starting apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships following receipt of their A Level results. This year, students have moved on to a range of firms including Amazon, Rolls Royce, Northern Rail, AJ Bell, Eon and others.

Alongside A Levels, students have the opportunity to complete an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This year an incredible eight students were awarded A* grades in their EPQ, a further 10 being awarded A grades. Throughout their projects, the students gain valuable skills in research and evaluation, becoming experts in their chosen field. As a result, the EPQ is highly valued by universities and employers.