Extended Project Qualification

Extended Project Qualification

Entry Criteria

  • Any CHS Sixth Form student can choose to complete an EPQ.
  • You need a good independent work ethic.

Examination Board

  • AQA

Teaching Staff

  • Dr Whitworth
  • Dr Pannell
  • Academic Tutors
  • Guest speakers

The AQA Level 3 Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an opportunity for students to pursue a project of their own choosing alongside their A Levels. The project is supervised by an academic mentor, however the topic, direction of research and final title are developed independently by the student. Students’ research areas are often interdisciplinary and most cover areas not typically studied during the Sixth Form. As a result, the projects completed each year are highly diverse—they span many disciplines from aircraft aerodynamics to criminal law.

Although many students choose to submit their project in the form of a 5000 word essay that tackles a specific question, students also have the opportunity to develop an artefact or plan and carry out a production or event. In these cases, the student documents the research and steps required in the development of their artefact in a commentary, submitting this alongside evidence of their artefact.

During the development of their projects, students complete a Production Log, which allows them to plan the next phase of their work and reflect on what they have achieved. Through the Production Log, students keep track of meetings with their mentor and how they have responded to problems they have encountered. The reflective aspects of the project are crucial as the EPQ allows students to develop skills in research and project management that they do not often have the opportunity to refine during traditional A Level courses. As a result, EPQ projects are highly valued by universities; many Russell Group universities offer lower entry requirements to students who have successfully completed an EPQ.