
Welcome to A Level Media

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What do our students say about Media Studies?

My favourite thing about studying A Level Media Studies was being able to see a product that I had made go from start to finish. For my Non Examined Assessment (NEA), I produced a three minute opening sequence. Seeing my NEA develop from start to finish was by far the highlight of my Media A level, I am incredibly proud of what I produced. The skills I have learnt from both the practical and theoretical side of the course are invaluable.

The advice I would give to a Year 12 beginning A Levels would be to remember that the step from GCSE to A Level is a big one, at the start A Levels do seem difficult, and it can seem like you are far away from were you want to be. However the more practise and effort you put in to your course, the better you will become. It is not about starting Year 12 and getting the highest grades, but instead being persistent with your efforts in working towards your goal.

Alongside Media Studies the other A Levels I took were Government and Politics and English Language. I also completed the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) where I looked at the influence of YouTube in people’s lives and whether children understand the difference between fiction and reality on YouTube.

As I come to the end of my A levels I look forward to beginning a Film Production degree at the University of Salford. I believe A Level Media Studies has provided a good foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge to help me as I begin a practical course in September.

Isabelle's NEA as part of her Media A Level has given her an excellent start to the practical side of Media Production, setting her up for her Film Production degree.