A Level Religion, Philosophy and Ethics offers a crucial and special contribution to understanding culture, diversity, values and plurality. It provides and excellent opportunity to engage in contentious, contemporary issues.
The most important thing to remember about RPE is that you need to keep organised at all times. With the vast array of content, separated into three distinct sections, it can seem like you are taking three A levels for one subject.
For Year 12s starting in September I would recommend that you read lots around the subject, the more you interact with material the better prepared you are to apply that extra knowledge to both lessons, homework and assessments.
As well as RPE, I am studying Politics and English Literature. These complement well as the nature of the content and exams are alike and you often find overlaps between subjects, which is incredibly stimulating.
After Sixth Form, I intend to study Politics or a Politics-related degree at University and then wish to delve into research fields including political theory, public policy and governance.
The best part of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics is that all of the subjects are all so interesting by themselves and you really get the opportunity to study all 3 aspects separately and deeply.
New Year 12 students need know that it’s not going to be anything like your GCSE Religious Studies and you must really be interested and willing to work hard. Make sure that you’re studying RPE because you enjoy it and then actually remember to enjoy it and not get too stressed out and bogged down with it all.
Alongside RPE, I’m studying Spanish and Biology. I would love to go into studying biology and I am really interested in medical ethics so for me that’s where Philosophy and Ethics will really come in to it all.
One of the best things about studying RPE is that the class size is small so you are able to voice your opinion on different theories and so you are able to get more involved with the lesson rather than just going to the lesson, listening and then going home and revising. It is a much more fun way of learning.
At the start of Year 12, I wish that I knew how much work you have to do. RPE feels like you’re doing 3 A Level subjects and only getting one A Level at the end of it!
My best advice for new Year 12s is to take the subjects that you want to take rather than what looks good on a CV or UCAS application because at the end of the day if you’re doing a subject that you genuinely enjoy then you will also enjoy the career that your A Levels may lead you to.
I’m studying RPE, English Language and History at the moment. After Sixth Form I’m planning of going to Chester university to study philosophy, ethics and religion.
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